Quantum Safety

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Quantum Safety is an approach developed over years of working with his risk industries. Despite what we are conventionally taught, I increasingly found that the approaches and models we are expected to use were inadequate. Safety Triangles, Swiss Cheese Models, Dominos – they are all linear models and often apply outdated or overly simplistic methodology.

Quantum Safety is an approach that evolves our understanding of safety outcomes so that they offer real insight within high risk industries and complex adaptive systems.

The first paper written is The Lilypond. This is a new conceptual model for understanding safety within complex systems such as healthcare and challenges the dominance of The Safety Triangle and The Swiss Cheese Model. The paper has been published in Journal of Patient Safety & Risk Management. Click here for more information.

The second paper is currently under review, called ‘A Just Culture; Why it isn’t just and how it could be’. This extends the understanding of safety through the prism of complexity and the impact it has on workplace culture.

The third paper due to be published explores the idea of causation in greater detail within the Lilypond Model. It challenges ideas used in non complex systems such as Root Cause Analysis, 5 Whys, and offers a nee approach to greater learning within complex adaptive systems.

If you would like more information on Quantum Safety please get in touch.